Playing with BOMBITO is a combination of having fun in making music together and being challenged by the conductors and each other to develop and apply new musical ideas.
BOMBITO practices once a week in the Q- Factory, Atlantisplein 1, Amsterdam-Oost.
Do you already play percussion or another instrument? Did you play in the past and would you like to make music together again? Please, sign up.
You can always participate free of charge to taste and try. (Costs are shared costs for storage, studio rent and hiring our conductors.)
BOMBITO has a variety of percussion instruments ready for you. You learn the special sign language in a playful way. There are some 150 signs, but you can also achieve beautiful musical results with about 10 signs.
Q-Factory 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM.
Always wanted to play percussion? Discover how you can play swinging rhythms with a few simple gestures from the conductor.
Register via the contact form no later than October 29, 2024